Have a Drink, Some Local Food, and Something to Read

#005 Belgian White

RIce Koji,Sansho peppercorns,orange belgian white


This here is the Belgian White which uses both the leaves and the peppercorns of the Sansho tree, homemade rice koji by yours truly, and summer orange peels.

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Even with this many ingredients in the beer, they all seemed to balance each other out. It is quite floral to the nose when you first take a sip but after it is in your mouth you can taste the sansho and the sweetness from the rice koji. Both flavors of sansho and rice are quite hard to explain but the sansho is a kind of a grassier version of the pink peppercorn, and rice would be that smell of the steam when you cook rice.


This beer is also a very light and quite easy to drink, allowing it to pairs nicely with fried foods. When this one fist came out of the fermentation chamber you actually go the tingly feeling you