Have a Drink, Some Local Food, and Something to Read

#001 IPA

#001 Suzuki Beets and Kuromoji ipa

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My coworker Suzuki-san grew these amazing beets that we used from stem to the root resulting in this beautiful color.


This beer has a strong fragrance of hops which hits you first when you go in for a sip, almost like grapefruit. The beginning has a refreshing bitterness but after the beer warms up in your mouth you start to taste that unique soft sourness that the plum flower yeast gives off. The end is incredibly light and refreshing, and that’s what keeps you going for more.

The brewer initially thought that using beets would give the beer a metallic flavor, which thankfully did not appear in the tasting notes of the final product. I think the brewer was wary of this because he also uses beets for his original beers, but instead of fresh ones he uses canned beets. Probably using fresh beets gave the beer all the color without any of the unpleasant aftertaste of beets. Unfortunately the kuromoji (a native plant here in Shimane with a citrus like fragrance) did not show up in the flavors.


I feel like even though this is an IPA, it gives everybody a little something. The beginning hit of hops is great for beer lovers, while the end is easy for those who are venturing out to an IPA. I feel l like sometimes IPA’s can linger in your mouth for a long time, which I enjoy, but for others that grassiness can be unappealing. Despite its red color, the flavors are surprisingly floral and light.


I would pair this with something simple but bold, like a steak or grilled vegetables. This guy has enough personality that you can just enjoy it on its own as well.