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#003 Sour

Umehana Yeast and Sakura Yeast sour ale

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This is a sour beer that uses another type of wild yeast other than the plum flower yeast. Specifically found in Tottori Prefecture it is called the cherry blossom yeast.


The cherry blossom yeast produces lactic acid as a result of fermentation which gives the beer it’s signature sourness. The blending of the beers made from both yeasts gives the final product a mellower sourness, almost like a white wine.


The first scent is floral and a little sour, slightly reminiscent of cider. The tasting notes on your pallet is initially sour, but not the sourness you get from citric acid, and ends with a mellow ripe fruit. We made sure to make the base out of an amber ale to give the beer body and roundness to counter act the sour flavor.


I would pair this with some fish or seafood, considering this beer is so much like white wine. Rather than treating this as a “beer” I would recommend people to treat this as a wine or a cider.